Eizfan IMR20700 3100mAh (Black-yellow) 2018
Official specifications:
- Rated Capacity: 3100mAh
- Continuous Discharge Current: 30A
- Max. Short Peak Discharge CC: 40A
- Rated Voltage: 3.7V
- Internal Resistance: <30mOhm
- Cut-off Discharge Voltage: 2.5V
- Charge Upper Limit Voltage: 4.20±0.05V
- Charging Metod: CC/CV 4.20V
- Charging Time(Std): 4.0hours
- Standard Charging Current: 0.2C A
- Charging Current: 0.5C A
- Standard Discharging Current: 0.2C A
- Fast Discharging Current: 0.5C A
- Max Discharging Current: 2C A
- Weight: about 60g
- Size: 20*70mm
- Version: Flat Top
- Operational Temperature: Charge (0 ~ 50°C)
This is high current cells and due to that the capacity is fairly low for this size.
The discharge curves tracks nicely at any tested current, at 30A I terminated the discharge a bit early due to the temperature.
The battery works well above 10A, but may be too hot at 30A continuous discharge.
Notes and links
Batteries was supplied by Eizfan (Efan) for review.
How is the test done and how to read the charts
How is a protected LiIon battery constructed
More about button top and flat top batteries
Graphical comparison to 18650 and other batteries
Table with all tested LiIon batteries